King Charles III: long live the new king of England

Following the death of Queen Elizabeth II today, Prince Charles of Great Britain will soon be the new King of the United Kingdom. This Prince of Wales is the first heir to the throne and should very soon be crowned King Charles 3 or more precisely Charles III in Roman numerals.

This great lady died in her Balmoral castle at the age of 96. A good life is a long life for this queen who will have left her mark on several generations.

His eldest son Charles will probably not be able to reign for that long. Almost 74 years old, he will have to pass his powers to his eldest son Prince William in (we hope) more than twenty years like his late mother.

If you would like to know more about the coronations of kings and the next developments in this story, I invite you to discover the video below which explains the coronation of the King of France.

Queen Elizabeth II is dead, long live King Charles III and long live Roman numerals.

King Charles III

London, all the English and even the whole world are in shock at the death of their beloved queen.

Write 2 in Roman numerals Write 3 in Roman numerals