Roman numerals from 1 to 100: counting in Roman numerals

Roman numerals from 1 to 100

Find below a table of all the Roman numerals from 1 to 100 and their correspondences in Arabic numerals. Thanks to this list of Roman numerals, easily learn to count like a real vintage Roman!

This non-exhaustive list of Roman numerals is also there to help you navigate your story chapter numbers, the different kings or queens, or any other text using these Roman symbols.

Number Roman numeral In letters
1 I One
2 II Two
3 III Three
4 IV Four
5 V Five
6 VI Six
7 VII Seven
8 VIII Eight
9 IX Nine
10 X Ten
11 XI Eleven
12 XII Twelve
13 XIII Thirteen
14 XIV Fourteen
15 XV Fifteen
16 XVI Sixteen
17 XVII Seventeen
18 XVIII Eighteen
19 XIX Nineteen
20 XX Twenty
21 XXI Twenty-one
22 XXII Twenty-two
23 XXIII Twenty-three
24 XXIV Twenty-four
25 XXV Twenty-five
26 XXVI Twenty-six
27 XXVII Twenty-seven
28 XXVIII Twenty-eight
29 XXIX Twenty-nine
30 XXX Thirty
31 XXXI Thirty-one
32 XXXII Thirty-two
33 XXXIII Thirty-three
34 XXXIV Thirty-four
35 XXXV Thirty-five
36 XXXVI Thirty-six
37 XXXVII Thirty-seven
38 XXXVIII Thirty-eight
39 XXXIX Thirty-nine
40 XL Forty
41 XLI Forty-one
42 XLII Forty-two
43 XLIII Forty-three
44 XLIV Forty-four
45 XLV Forty-five
46 XLVI Forty-six
47 XLVII Forty-seven
48 XLVIII Forty-eight
49 XLIX Forty-nine
50 L Fifty
51 LI Fifty-one
52 LII Fifty-two
53 LIII Fifty-three
54 LIV Fifty-four
55 LV Fifty-five
56 LVI Fifty-six
57 LVII Fifty-seven
58 LVIII Fifty-eight
59 LIX Fifty-nine
60 LX Sixty
61 LXI Sixty-one
62 LXII Sixty-two
63 LXIII Sixty-three
64 LXIV Sixty-four
65 LXV Sixty-five
66 LXVI Sixty-six
67 LXVII Sixty-seven
68 LXVIII Sixty-eight
69 LXIX Sixty-nine
70 LXX Seventy
71 LXXI Seventy-one
72 LXXII Seventy-two
73 LXXIII Seventy-three
74 LXXIV Seventy-four
75 LXXV Seventy-five
76 LXXVI Seventy-six
77 LXXVII Seventy-seven
78 LXXVIII Seventy-eight
79 LXXIX Seventy-nine
80 LXXX Eighty
81 LXXXI Eighty-one
82 LXXXII Eighty-two
83 LXXXIII Eighty-three
84 LXXXIV Eighty-four
85 LXXXV Eighty-five
86 LXXXVI Eighty-six
87 LXXXVII Eighty-seven
88 LXXXVIII Eighty-eight
89 LXXXIX Eighty-nine
90 XC Ninety
91 XCI Ninety-one
92 XCII Ninety-two
93 XCIII Ninety-three
94 XCIV Ninety-four
95 XCV Ninety-five
96 XCVI Ninety-six
97 XCVII Ninety-seven
98 XCVIII Ninety-eight
99 XCIX Ninety-nine
100 C One hundred

Basic rules for counting to 100

Counting to 100 with Roman numerals can seem complex due to the additive nature of this number system. However, by following a few simple rules, you can master the art of counting with Roman numerals to 100. Here is a guide to help you:

Rules for counting with Roman numerals

Know the basic symbols

  • I : 1
  • V : 5
  • X : 10
  • L : 50
  • C : 100

Master basic numbering

I, II, III, IV, V are the numbers 1 to 5.

X represents 10. So, VI, VII, VIII, IX represent 6, 7, 8, 9 respectively.

Basic combinations, like XI (11), XII (12), XIII (13), XIX (19), are also useful to know.

Count by tens

X represents 10. So, X, XX, XXX, XL represent 10, 20, 30, 40 respectively.

To represent numbers 11 to 19, use X with lower symbols, such as XI, XII, XIII, XIX.

Count by fifty

L represents 50. You can use L alone or combine with the numbers I through XL to represent different numbers.

Count to 100

Use the rules above to combine symbols and represent numbers up to 100. For example, XC represents 90 (100 - 10), and XCIX represents 99 (100 - 10 + 10 - 1).

Here are some examples to illustrate how to count to 100 with Roman numerals:

  • XX : 20
  • XL : 40
  • LX : 60
  • LXXX : 80
  • XC : 90
  • C : 100

Count 100 Roman numerals

By practicing regularly and breaking down numbers into ones, tens and fifties, you will gain familiarity with Roman numerals up to 100. Feel free to use online resources, educational apps or practice exercises to strengthen your SKILLS.

Go further: Count to 1000 and more with Roman numerals

Find below the numbers from hundred to hundred converted into Roman numerals. At the end of the table we see that we use "M" for thousands. We can then subtract a hundred from a thousand to make 900: CM. After that you will know how to do everything.

Number Roman numeral In letters
100 C One hundred
200 CC Two hundred
300 CCC Three hundred
400 CD Four hundred
500 D Five hundred
600 DC Six hundred
700 DCC Seven hundred
800 DCCC Eight hundred
900 CM Nine hundred
1000 M One thousand
1500 MD One thousand and five hundred
2000 MM Two thousand
2500 MMD Two thousand five hundred
3000 MMM Three thousand
3500 MMMD Three thousand five hundred
4000 MMMM Four thousand
4500 MMMMD Four thousand five hundred
5000 MMMMM Five thousand

Convert any Arabic numeral to Roman numeral

If you want to know the following Roman numerals and count above 100, you can use the Roman numeral converter. This will allow you to convert any number into Roman numerals quickly.

Roman numeral converter